Jill Ebstein thank you for your kind feedback. I truly admire Adafruit’s founder — Limor Fried. She is a rockstar engineer and founder of a cool company. I was hoping for a better turn of events then, but I can understand their “engineering mindset” — we stated on the website that some things might be delayed — so you should have known!
Anyway, I I moved on. But I wanted to document it here on Medium as a failure to communicate for both parties. So much of our lives hassles are really because of failure to communicate and it is always both parties' responsibility.
Every day I am finding more and more evidence of the need for better communication in all aspects of our lives, starting from one’s own self.
If we cannot honestly convey our own concerns, feelings, hopes, and ambitions to our own self, we are likely not going to do that with others very well.
I find Medium to be the best tool at this time of my life to share and connect with so many admirable people who would otherwise be completely out of reach for someone like me. Thanks again for reading and providing valuable insights. I truly appreciate it.
I hope you are keeping yourself safe in this stage times we are passing now.
BTW, I started my second publication — American Life — which is all about all aspects of living in America. If you feel you want to contribute a personal story, please contact me.
Same request to all the other wonderful authors I met through Authors & Peeps.